In this brief but very impactful statement about abortion. The Luminary makes very plain what the body of Christ response should be regarding abortion aka infanticide. The focus of this edition of the TruthStand podcast is christian influencer Pat Robertson and his absurd comments and rejection of the Alabama Abortion ban law. The Luminary also has some very sobering things to say regarding the “rape and or incest” exception and has a stunning rebuke to the profession of faith in Christ about silly and unbiblical debates about worldly issues. This episode was originally recorded for Facebook and so you may hear a reference to another audience. The intro is from the TruthStand podcast Sunday Edition episode #9.
According to the American political left the victims of Sri Lanka were NOT Christians just “Easter Worshippers” and the attackers were just “evil people in general”. Let’s get this clear: The victims of the Easter bombing attacks are Christians and their attackers are Muslims…ISIS who has claimed responsibility in retaliation for what happened in New Zealand. In this episode the Luminary exposes the outright hypocrisy and disgusting ideology behind the tweets of Former president Obama and the twice rejected Hillary Clinton. Also, the haters of Donald Trump are served!