the TruthStand podcast Sunday Edition #8

Sunday Edition!

The Luminary is back for your weekly Truth filled, high octane spiritual energy drink. In this 8th Sunday edition we are Donald Trump heavy. We talk about his battle to protect American from the evil wicked witch from the bay Nancy Pelosi (who owns a winery with a ‘wall’ around it). Youtuber Mark Dice will talk about how ‘fake news’ was exposed this past friday. More on the “Lamborghini” false preacher John Gray (who is an associate of Joel Osteen) and the disgusting cowardice of “christians” in California…all this and more…YOU ARE IMMERSED IN the TRUTHSTAND!!

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the TruthStand podcast episode #5

Two of the leading Millennial “christians” who are destroying the Gospel

WARNING!!! Upon listening to this podcast there will be various reactions to this episode. Some of you will praise God for someone finally standing up to this horrific millennial, liberal, progressive, soft, feckless, gutless, spineless, un-biblical and non eternal fruit bearing movement that is satanically inspired. Some of you will hate my guts and in the name of “love” will try to rebuke me for being unloving, uncaring, unmerciful, not showing enough grace because I dared to challenge these “celebrity christians”. I don’t worship one-man or in this case one-woman ministries. I don’t see these people as superstars worthy of my blind loyalty and subservience. THERE WILL BE NO APOLOGIES!

John Crist, Lauren Daigle and fake “pastor” John Gray will ALL be dealt with in they way you have come to expect from The Luminary.